Paleo and AIP Diet
These include some of same foods you’d avoid if you were following the paleo diet:
• grains
• legumes (beans, soy, peanuts, hummus, etc.)
• dairy products (including raw products)
• processed foods
• refined sugars
• industrial seed oils (such as vegetable or canola oils)
The AIP diet also restricts the following foods, which aren’t always banned in the paleo diet:
• eggs
• nuts and seeds, including foods you might not think are in this category such as coffee, chocolate, and certain spices (for example, coriander and cumin)
• nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes, and more)
• gum
• alternative sweeteners
• emulsifiers and food thickeners
You should also avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and alcohol while on the AIP diet. NSAIDs are painkillers like ibuprofen (Advil), aspirin (Bufferin), and naproxen sodium (Aleve).
While not specifically addressed in AIP protocols, research suggests that blue-green algae may stimulate the immune system and should thus be avoided by those with auto-immune diseases.
Your diet should be rich in meats and vegetables, with the exception of nightshades. Other foods you can consume are:
• coconut products, including coconut oil
• olive oil
• fermented foods, so long as they don’t contain dairy (for example, kombucha, nondairy kefir, and fermented vegetables)
• a variety of vinegars, including balsamic, red wine, and apple cider, so long as they have no added sugar
• small portions of honey or maple syrup
• herbs
• arrowroot starch
• gelatin from grass-fed beef
While on the AIP diet, you may incorporate some foods on a limited basis. Fruits are a controversial food in the paleo and AIP diets.
Some approaches recommend the elimination of fruit altogether, while others say you should only have 10–25 grams of fructose a day, or about two pieces.
In moderation, you can also have unrefined salts and teas that aren’t seed based, like green and black teas.