Allergy Elimination (NAET) Treatments
NAET is the first line defense against all allergies (chemical, food, and environmental) and can FREE you from your allergic suffering and your dependence on allergy medication. NAET treatments help to detoxify the system by clearing adverse reactions that interfere with the normal interactions within your nervous system. It enables the body to relax, absorb, and assimilate nutrients from the food that once caused symptoms. Your food can then support the proper growth and healing of your entire body.
watch BELOW a famous physician speak about their experience with NAET and stories of recovery from autism using NAET.
Watch Dr. Rathod, M.D. speak on NAET in her practice.
Watch video on NAET/Autism Study and the success with it.
What is NAET?
Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) combines various effective healing techniques from different disciplines of medicine (allopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, kinesiology and nutrition) to eliminate allergies of all kinds from the body. NAET is a completely natural, non-invasive, and drug-free holistic treatment for reactions to substances including food sensitivities, seasonal or environmental allergies and chemical reactions.
What is an Allergy?
With NAET the term allergy refers to a variety of reactions the body may have to a foreign substance including full-blown traditional allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances. Typically, the term “allergy” is used to describe an immune system response, either immediate, like anaphylaxis, or delayed, appearing 24 to 72 hours later. In sensitive individuals, contact with an allergen alerts the immune system to deploy white blood cells. In turn, the white blood cells produce antibodies which stimulate the release of the chemical defense forces (like histamines from the mast cells). These chemical mediators are released as part of the body’s immune response to foreign substances and these chemicals produce unwanted symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, itching eyes, congestion, fatigue, and brain fog to name a few.
Most allergists test for only one type of allergy, the ones mediated by IgE antibodies. IgEs produce an immediate onset reaction; the moment you are exposed you have symptoms. For example, ingesting peanuts induces anaphylaxis or inhaling pollens causes sneezing. A delayed onset reaction, or IgG mediated, typically takes 24 to 72 hours and can take days for the full symptomatic response to appear. These types of reactions, considered sensitivities, are much more common and difficult to detect. If you have an IgG wheat allergy and you eat wheat every day, you might never know the symptoms you experience are being caused by wheat consumption.
The symptoms produced by an intolerance might not be caused by an immune response. These symptoms could be due to a digestive deficiency, a leaky gut response, a blood sugar response, a stimulation of yeast in your bowels or, an emotional response. Many food reactions fall into the category of intolerances. Therefore, often a blood or scratch test performed by your allergist uncovers no food allergies. This doesn’t mean you don’t react negatively to foods and other agents (see “What are some common allergies?” for a list – LINK) or that your symptoms are not caused by what you are eating.
What Causes Allergies?
Heredity (inherited from parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.) Toxins (produced in the body from: bacterial or viral infections, molds, yeasts, fungus or parasitic infestation, mercury, lead, chemical, etc.) Low immune system (due to surgeries, chronic illness, injury, excessive emotional stress) Electromagnetic frequencies (excessive exposure to television, cell phones, computers, wifi, sun, radioactive materials) Emotional factors (grief, trauma, past abuse, relational problems, work stress or too busy of a lifestyle)
What are Common Allergies?
Inhalants: pollen, flowers, perfume, dust, paint, formaldehyde, etc. Ingestants: foods, drinks, vitamins, drugs, food additives and colors, etc. Contactants: fabrics, chemical, cosmetics, furniture, utensil, etc. Injectants: insect bites, stings, injectable drugs, immunizations, etc. Infectants: viruses, bacteria, contact with infected persons, etc. Physical Agents: heat, cold, humidity, dampness, fog, wind, dryness, sunlight, sound, etc. Genetic Factors: inherited illnesses or tendency from parents, grandparents, etc, Molds and Fungi: mold, yeast, candida, parasites, etc. Emotional Factors: painful memories from the past or present. If you experience any physical, physiological or emotional symptoms in the presence of any of the items listed, then you can suspect an allergy. You may, however, not know that some of the listed allergens are causing your symptoms. If this is the case, you can call the office at 573-2273 and schedule an allergy testing appointment with the physician to find out if allergies are causing some of your symptoms.
How Do I Know if I Have an Allergy?
If you experience any physical, physiological or emotional symptoms in the presence of any of the items listed, then you can suspect an allergy, sensitivity or intolerance.
If this is the case, you can call the office at 360-573-CARE (2273) and schedule an NAET appointment to identify what things you may be causing some of your symptoms.
What Conditions Does NAET Treat?
“There is hardly any human disease or condition where allergic factors are not involved.” - Devi S. Nambudripad, D.C., L.Ac., M.D., Ph.D. (Acu.) - NAET treatments work with the entire body: the physical body (organs, brain, nervous system, and tissues), physiological body (circulation of blood, fluids and nerve energy) and emotional body (mind, thoughts and feelings). It helps to detoxify the system by clearing adverse reactions that interfere with our electrical circuitry. Thus, it enables the body to relax, absorb, and assimilate nutrients from the foods that once caused symptoms, and to support the proper growth and healing of the entire body. With NAET, patients have been successfully treated for many conditions such as: Acne ADD/ADHD Food cravings and other addictions Anxiety and depression, mood swings Asthma Autism Aches and pains Candida/yeast problems Chronic fatigue Colitis Constipation and diarrhea Chronic ear infection Eczema Environmental allergies Falling hair Fibromyalgia Gas and indigestion Frequent colds and infections General itching Hay fever Headaches/Migraines Hives Hormone imbalances Hyperactivity Hypoglycemia Insomnia Irritable bowel syndrome Menopausal symptoms Obsessive compulsive disorder Premenstrual syndrome Restless leg syndrome Rheumatoid arthritis Sinusitis Weight problems
What is the Treatment Like?
Lying on the table, you will be asked to raise your arm up to the ceiling. Then, while you resist, the tester will apply a consistent pressure at your wrist toward your feet. Once a baseline has been established, a vial containing a potential reactant will be placed in your hand. Once again, pressure is applied to your arm and any weakness as a result of the exposure will be recorded.
When pressure is applied to your arm, a signal is sent from your brain to the muscles of your shoulder girdle instructing them to contract and hold your arm in place. If the substance placed in your hand is causing a weakness in your body, then the signal from your brain to your arm is interrupted. Similar to the static on an AM/FM radio station with a weak signal, the interference causes the muscles of the shoulder girdle to weaken, indicating a positive response.
Your fingertips contain abundant nerve endings. Consider the fact that with your eyes closed you are capable of identifying an object just by handling it. This phenomenon is the reason that we have you hold the vials in your hand. Even though your nervous system doesn’t consciously know what substance is in that vial, it recognizes if the material impairs your electrical circuitry. Once the intolerance has been identified, you will be asked to lie on your stomach as you continue to hold the vial. Using a special tool, the technician will apply a gentle tapping to specific points along your spine. After the stimulation is completed, you will lie on your back again as your arm strength is retested. If your arm remains strong, specific acupuncture points will be manually massaged and you will rest quietly for 15 minutes. Next, you will be placed in front of a specialized machine that emits a radio signal that will aid the efficacy of the treatment. It is best if you then minimize your exposure to the item for 25 hours.
How Does NAET Work?
Chinese medicine identified thousands of years ago that people have a network of energy pathways that flow through their body, like rivers of energy. Western scientists have been able to prove that these energy pathways or electrical circuits exist and that the energy can be measured. These pathways are called meridians, and they pass through each of the organs in your body. We could compare it to the electrical wires in your home that supply energy to the different parts of the house. In order for your body to function at an optimal level, you need to have the proper amount of energy flowing through each of your electrical circuits (meridians). As a person moves away from health, that energy level is one of the first things to be affected. There’s a certain range in which the energy should fluctuate. When it remains within that range, then we say the meridian is balanced. But the energy can drift outside of the optimal range; and as that happens, the organ function associated with that meridian becomes impaired.
Allergens, sensitivities, and intolerances can affect the way energy flows through your meridians. In some cases these can even block the flow all together. Once this energy flow becomes impaired symptoms can start to develop. NAET works by reestablishing a healthy balance within the meridian network. During the treatment, specific spots along the spine are stimulated. These points are a compilation of acupuncture points and nerve root points that innervate the vital organs of the body. When these points are stimulated manually, the flow of electrical energy is reestablished, the allergen is eliminated, and the symptoms caused by the interference are alleviated.
Does NAET Work on Children?
This drug free non-invasive technique is ideal to treat infants, children, grown-ups, elderly, and debilitated people who suffer from mild, moderate or severe allergic reactions. No individuals, including those under our active care, should use the information, resources or tools contained within to self-diagnose or self-treat any health-related condition. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by a licensed health care professional.
What is NAET?
Contact us at our clinic in Vancouver, Washington to learn more about scheduling a New Patient Visit with us and receiving NAET treatment: