Steam Inhalation Treatment

Using steam mixed with herbs and essential oils can help relieve cough, sore throat, or congestion in the sinuses and lungs (sinusitis, bronchitis). It is particularly effective for sinus and lung areas because you can breathe directly through your nose or into your lungs to expose your tissues to the anti-infective properties in the herbs and oils.


Fill a pan with filtered water (tap water contains chlorine that you won’t want to breathe in with the steam) and add a 1 inch piece of chopped ginger and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

Take the pan off the burner and add a couple tablespoons of oregano and thyme. You could also add 1-2 drops of oregano oil or 1 ADP tablet and 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil into the water. Oregano is anti-infective and thyme and both anti-infection and helps with a cough.

Find a comfortable location, place a hot pad down to put the pan onto, cover your head with a towel and breath in through your nose or mouth or both. As the water cools and the steam recedes move your face closer to the pan. Continue to breath the steam until it has cooled and the steam is gone. I continue until may face is practically in the pan.

You can do this treatment 1-2 times a day.


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Root Causes of Chronic Health Problems