Flu, Covid, What to do?

The flu season is not gone, its just different. We need to think flu and think Covid. Which one is it and what do I do when I get sick?

We still recommend using GUNA Flu as a preventative, but there is more to do now that we have Covid to contend with?

1) You must rest. If you try to work through your flu and especially through Covid you will only weaken your immune system and allow the virus to get a stronger hold on you. This is especially crucial with Covid. It is tricky and makes you think you are ok and then on day 8 of symptom onset suddenly you get worse or you end up with a lengthy recovery period from the illness. This is a good reason to test, so you know how aggressive to be and how to treat your flu like illness. Plus, resting at home and knowing what you have helps prevent spreading it to others. So stay home and sleep.

2) You must eat very little and if you are not hungry, do not eat. Your drop in appetite is your bodies way of communicating that it is so busy fighting the attackers that it doesn't have the energy to digest food. If you do feel the need to have something in your stomach then eat a couple pieces of sliced apple or pear or drink homemade bone broth. Definitely avoid dairy, bread, wheat, sugar and juices. Yes avoid juice. Juice is very high in sugar and sugar works to suppress your white blood cells. The best fluid to drink during a flu is water or the Optimal Electrolytes or other natural sugar free electrolyte replacement if you are vomiting or having diarrhea.

3) Use hydrotherapy. Below are some links to various hydrotherapy treatments:

If you have a sore throat or have pressure in your head or ears use a Heating Compress to the Throat. You can also alternate 3 minutes hot application alternating with 30 seconds cold application to the ear or the area below the ear if tolerated. This will also help pump the fluid from your ear and help it drain and bring circulation with active WBC's to help fight the infection.

If you are running a fever use Constitutional Hydrotherapy or Warming Sock Treatment. If you feel brave and your health is not generally debilitated then choose the constitutional treatment. This is my favorite choice because it takes away the aches and pains of the fever and is a stronger therapeutic modality than the warming socks. However, if it sounds overwhelming or you are treating your child use the warming socks. Children often respond well to the warming socks. Constitutional hydrotherapy brings fresh blood that contains your white blood cells to your entire torso and circulates your blood through your whole body.

If you are congested at tend to have sinus issues then do a Steam Inhalation. Steam inhalation can also be helpful with ear infections if you or your child are able to breathed deeply through the nose.

4) Increase your fluid intake. This is a great way to take your drainage remedies discussed in number 5. Add them to a quart of water and sip all day long. If you have diarrhea or are vomiting add a sprinkle of Celtic sea salt or Himalayan sea salt to your water to replace electrolyte loss.

5) Use Drainage Remedies to boost immune function and help clear the waste that is generated in the battle against the virus or bacteria you are fighting. These remedies also help with pain and ensure the immune system engages properly. The immune system is most active during a fever so using medication to suppress your fever is usually not a good idea. Read Fevers are Your Friend to understand why we want to sustain a fever.

The most common grouping of Unda drainage remedies used during the flu or during other respiratory illnesses is Unda 2,5,15 and 27.

The minute you start to feel an illness coming on, at that very first point of warning, put 20 drops of each Unda number into a quart sized water bottle and sip it every 15 minutes throughout the day, swishing each sip in your mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. From 60 lbs and up you can use the same dose. If you are treating a small child (3 years old and younger) use 1/2 the number of drops.

Here is what they are for:

Unda 2 is used in all acute remedies to help clear the waste out through your kidneys with urination.
Unda 15 helps to reduce acute inflammation and if you need to get a fever to burn of the toxins or kill the bacteria it will help make it effective. Please do not use ibuprofen or acetaminophen to bring down your fever. The fever is your bodies way of fighting. If you suppress it you are hampering your recovery. If this is a foreign concept to you read Fevers are our Friend.
Unda 5 helps immune function and drainage the respiratory and immune system overall and is used when there are not obvious respiratory symptoms like sore throat or sinus congestion.
Unda 27 helps detoxify and protect the respiratory mucus membranes and is used to aid sore throats, congestion upper respiratory and the upper part of the lower respiratory tract.
Unda 710 us used if you have a sinus infection or ear infection because it helps to eliminate infection from enclosed spaces.

6) Use proper anti-viral, anti-bacterial and immune support to treat the flu.

Takuna is an anti-viral remedy and it also has anti-bacterial effects. Use 30 drops every hour at first onset of symptoms. For elementary school age children use 1/2 the dose, for pre-kindergarten age use 1/4 of the dose. Middle school and up can use the adult dose.

Winter Mix is a good tasting liquid that is often used for kids. Take 1 dropperful every 2 hours for over 4 years old. For 2-4 years old take 1/2 dropperful every 2 hours. For Adults use Infection fighter 2 dropperfuls every 2 hours.

Use Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids which helps enhance immune function. Use 1 cap every 2 hours at first onset of symptoms. Children who can swallow pills can use 1 cap every 4 hours.

ADP is a form of oregano oil that actually kills the flu and cold virus and prevents viral replication. I use 2 every 2 hours the minute I get any symptoms of a bug coming on. It is a tablet so they must be able to swallow tablets to take this.

If you have Covid I would suggest contacting the office for an acute visit. It can be a mild illness or something that puts your life at risk. If you have high blood pressure, prediabetes or diabetes or you are obese, having proper medical care at the early stages of your Covid diagnosis can help prevent complications and provide you with a physician who is monitoring you and can enact treatment changes if you do start to decline.

7) Purchase a pulse oximeter. This is an inexpensive device that measures oxygen and can help identify a decline in you condition prior to you recognizing it with symptom changes. It is a crucial tool to have on hand if you get diagnosed with Covid. Another more expensive devise that is good to have on hand is a nebulizer. During Covid if you have a breathing decline we can prescribe breathing treatments with the hope of preventing hospitalization.


Food Allergy Rotation Diet


Fevers Are Our Friends